Life in Korea
自從被公司派到海外學習,轉眼間也過了一個月。在每週五天努力融入公司的新生活外,週末也非常積極地四處探訪民情(XD)!雖說許多人不喜歡韓國的民族性,但生活在當地卻發現,我們常常因為討厭而忽略別人的長處。為了佔有一席之地,他們努力學習各種語言,好幾位同事居然能以中文和我交談 (激起我努力學韓語的好勝心!)。對歷史文化保留及利用高科技規劃推廣,看似衝突卻又相得益彰。每週總是有滿滿得心得,希望回去之後能應用在未來的生活及工作上。 Time is flying. It was past 1 month already since I have arrived Korea. In addition to hard working during week days, I also play hard in Korea at weekends. Although many people don't like Korean nationality, I really recognize their aggressive attitude. To be top in the world, they put effort to learn different kinds of languages, including English and Mandarin. In my office, some colleagues can talk to me in Mandarin and even others start to learn because of me. Their attitude also push me to start Korean from Apr. Haha~ To promote Korean traditional culture, they use high tech to introduce history to their culture to the next generations and foreigners. It seems like a conflict on development and culture reservation but they try to balance. I am getting familiar wi...